Price: TBA
Rock - A - Holic presents Glen Dance
Can you remember your Glen Reunion nights at the BAWA with Val and Merv.
If you are interested there will be a Glen Dance on Sunday 18th January in the Concorde Room.
After many years this will be the very last Glen Dance. All welcome. Come along and meet up with those friends from the Glen nights all those years ago and talk over all your good times and memories, or you can meet up with friends you have made at the Glen Reunion dances held here at the BAWA.
So let's make it a night to remember. Come along and just enjoy yourselves.
Same format Glen Dance for Glen people, enjoy all the sounds of the 50's and 60's and some strollers.
For more details and tickets phone 07816425755.
Other Events

Christmas Dinner Dance No.1 – Carnaby Street
BAWA Event
Price: £32
Members: £30
15th December, 2023 - 7:00 pm to 12:30 am
Christmas Dinner Dance No.1 – Carnaby Street